Following 2+ days of inputs using p5.js for typography, students created their own sketches, combining GUI elements » custom TYPO-TOOLS!
All sketches are remixable! Modify the code (auto-compiles if bug-free, or press 'RECOMPILE'). Changes are temporary and reset when changing sketches.
Want to remix further?
Copy and paste code into
P5LIVE to save changes.
CTRL + ENTER » Recompile
CTRL + E » Toggle menu
This workshop introduces participants to the realm of possibilities in generating designs by live coding as a technique of sketching. From iterative changes with instantaneous feedback, shapes, motion, typography can all be explored in ways that typical software packages can't provide. Using p5.js via P5LIVE, we'll learn the basics of creative coding, turn type into anchor points, and develop visuals by manipulating these coordinates with new geometric forms and motion. Finally we'll learn to control parameters with graphical user interface (GUI) elements, such as sliders, to create custom tools for our own usage and the public to explore. This workshop is given as live technical inputs, collaborative coding sessions, partner discussions and a shared output.